Sunday, April 5, 2009

80's party: invites

i'm having an 80's birthday party for my husband this month. he was born in 1980 so i decided to honor the year of his birth and the years of his childhood! these are the invites i came up with. they were so much fun. i was so excited when i found these neon wallets! 80's for sure! i found some 80's neon friendship bracelets that i wanted to incorporate as i put them around the wallets to attach the recipients names.

here's what i put in uno card (a total 80's game), and a neon envelope...

i found these little blank neon cards etc at target..they worked perfectly!

and here's what i printed for the inside of the little cards (pac man font of course!). i've had a lot of fun planning this upcoming party...i'm really excited. hopefully ben will like it!
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