brittany {onecharmingparty.com}.
brittany is AWESOME. her parties are exceptional {make sure and check out her site, her button is on my sidebar}. she's really got a great 'party eye'!
i'm actually very proud to say that i'm brittany's assistant. she found me in this fun blogging world and realized that we lived in the same state...& now i work for her. it's great!
take a looksy at this sweet valentines party she did last year for her kiddos and their friends. i just LOVE it...
Super cute!
what a great party! and awesome idea! I love the cookie decorating idea!
Hi kara! I was interested in being featured on your site! Check out my monkeys 1st birthday and let me know what you think! You can email me at caycee07@hotmail.com
I LOVE your blog! My girlfriends and I get together and often the first words out of our mouths are "hey, did you see the latest party on Kara's?" LOL I've nominated you for a blog award - we're sharing the love over at www.itsmypartyevents.blogspot.com
I love Valentine's Day. So cute and creative!
Kara, I just wanted to thank you....you inspired me to start blogging again.........love your blog!!
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