today's winning feature goes to this extremely cool
glow in the dark party submitted by becky cervantez. now how original is this par-tay?! becky covered her living room with black plastic and then spray painted designs on the walls {black lights made everything pop all the more}! she also made each girl a shirt that glowed in the dark. glowing objects/party memorabilia everywhere! wow!
thanks for your submission, becky! i bet this was a party that your daughter and her friends will never forget! congrats on being today's winning feature!
This is one of the coolest parties I've ever seen. What a super great idea!!!
How much fun! Great idea!
Thanks for the feature :)
Very cool and fun!
Awesome!I was Looking for a Fun themed Idea Birthday Party for My Daughter whose Turning 12!This has got to be the Perfect Idea Thanks for sharing!
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