If you would like to submit a party to be featured on my site please send an email to karaspartyideas {at} yahoo.com with....
1. Your party photos: A picture truly says a thousand words. I love great party photos! Nothing shows the detail of your party better than a good photo. My site is very visual. Because of this, parties with high quality photos are more likely to be chosen as a winning feature. If you have your party photos on a blog or website you can just send me the link. You can also send photos using a .zip file or web service like yousendit.com. Please send images that are no smaller than 600 pixels wide.
2. Your info and website/blog address, etc.
3. Party details with vendor credits {or a link to a blog, etc that has all the party details posted}.
4. If your party has already been featured somewhere, please let me know {besides your own site or blog}.
Believe me, I would absolutely LOVE to be able to feature every one of your parties, but I just can't due to the high volume of submissions I get. PLEASE know that I really appreciate your emails! I do read them, and I LOVE your parties and hard work! I really wish I could write each and every one of you back. It just isn't physically possible because of all the emails I receive daily. Thanks so much for being a faithful fan and follower! You are the reason I work so hard to make my site the best it can be!